10 textes donnés à la session 2023 du CRFPA
'How lawyers can navigate the ethical minefield of legal advertizing? (US news)
From benefits to barriter: my path to pupillage (The Lawyer)
Why we need a two-track profession (The Law Society Gazette)
You have the right to an attorney, but it might cost you (the Nation)
Alex Murdaugh’s trial proves cameras don’t belong in the courtroom (the Independent)
Inclusion in the UK Legal Market: Why Diversity Really Matters (Financial Times)
AI is making its way into the courtroom and legal process (CNBC)
8 textes donnés à la session 2022 du CRFPA
Allow TV full access to our courtrooms and justice will truly be seen to be done (the Observer)
Don’t blame baby: Survey finds most women quit big firms over culture, not family (Reuters)
'I'm a lawyer and I'm striking because I only earn £17K a year as a criminal barrister in Central London' (mylondon.news)
How Law Firm Brand and Culture Can Lure Clients and Talent (Bloomberg Law)
Too many cases. Too few lawyers. Maine courts stretch to find available defense attorneys (The Maine Monitor)
The future of the legal industry must be human first (Global Legal Post)
Where Will You Be In 2181? (Above the law)
10 textes donnés lors de la session 2021 du CRFPA
Diversity at Elite Law Firms Is So Bad Clients Are Docking Fees (Bloomberg Business)
The next generation of lawyers can help the most vulnerable in society (The Law Gazette)
Is Digital Disruption a Threat or an Opportunity for Law Firms? (Legalsupport.com)
'A torrent' of criminal barristers could leave profession, Suffolk QC warns (East Anglian Daily Times )
Data shows Indiana has lawyer shortage; public sector feeling the pain (The Indiana Lawyer)
Small law firms face numerous challenges, but maintain a positive outlook, says new report (Thomson Reuters Institute)
Why Firms Should Help Associates Do More Pro Bono Work (Law 360)
Technophobe barristers are stuck in the past (The Times)
Cook County’s new public defender seeks more visibility — and money — for his office (InjusticeWatch.org)
Law Society Loses The Plot Over AI and Ethics (LegalTech News)
17 textes donnés lors de la session 2020 du CRFPA
Legal aid services are on brink of collapse, lawyers tell MPs (the Guardian)
COVID-19 Is Driving Long-Term Changes in Big Law for Remote Work, Fees, Hiring (the American Lawyer)
Most People Can't Afford Legal Help. One Reformer Wants To Change That (npr.com)
‘What a Barrister Looks Like’: A Young Black Woman Paves the Way (the New York Times)
Future lawyers can bypass university degree under legal reforms (the Times)
Minority ethnic women are lowest-earning barristers, report shows (the Guardian)
Be yourselves, Black female QCs advise young barristers (Legalfutures.co.uk)
New ‘corporate’ chambers looks to shake up Bar (Legalfutures.co.uk)
New chambers goes virtual – for now (Legalfutures.co.uk)
‘Condemning lawyers for doing their jobs is inherently dangerous’ (the Guardian)
Alternatives To A Solicitor For Your Business (Minutehack.com)
The vulnerable must be able to access legal help (the Times)
In the pandemic, pro bono work has never been more vital (the Law Society Gazette)
Coronavirus crisis poses obstacles for Massachusetts public defenders as they represent their clients remotely (Masslive.com)
Law Firms Reverse Coronavirus Cuts, but ‘Triage’ Not Over Yet (Bloomberg Law)
How Trinity Chambers tackled the digital challenge (thelawyer.com)
17 textes donnés lors de la session 2019 du CRFPA
Kamala Harris wants public defenders to get paid as much as prosecutors (Vox.com)
Why female barristers are leaving the profession (The Financial Times)
Millenial clients are forcing attorneys to rethink their marketing approach (Law.com)
The challenge of retaining top young talents for law firms (1) (Daily Business Review)
The challenge of retaining top young talents for law firms (2) (Daily Business Review)
A few tips on how to succeed as an associate (Daily Report)
LPOs are disrupting the industry - and young lawyers should take notice (The American Lawyer)
How technology will change the role of lawyers (Legaltech news)
Good bye email, hello brave new world (Legaltech news)
Legal aid at 70: how decades of cuts have diminished the right to legal equality (The Conversation)
Bar chair :separation remains for a reason (The Law Society Gazette)
The legal profession doesn't have a leadership problem - it has a character problem (ABA Journal)
I felt a part of the firm the moment I walked through the door (Legalcheek.com)
My vision of the new solicitor super-exam (Legalcheek.com)
The skills that the lawyers of the 2020s need to succeed (Legalcheek.com)
Law firms pledsge $5M to fix legal industry's diversity problem (Bloomberglaw.com)
One lawyer , 194 felony cases and no time (The NewYorkTimes)
13 textes donnés lors de la session 2018 du CRFPA
Post-recession, more students see law career as a way to give back (North Carolina lawyer's weekly)
Barristers in England and Wales 'in grip of mental health crisis' (the Guardian)
Barrister blows whistle on 'broken legal system brought to its knees by cuts' (the Guardian)
‘I began my career as a single mum’: female QCs changing the face of law' (the Guardian)
Legal aid cuts have caused chaos and must be reversed (the Guardian)
Digital Ambulance Chasers? Law Firms Send Ads To Patients' Phones Inside ERs (npr.org)
How medium-sized law firms can use legal tech to compete with the big industry players (thomsonreuters.com)
Law schools are very diverse, so why aren’t law firms? (fastcompany.com)
Millennials shake up legal field (Buffalo Law Journal)
Lawyers should forget the money and focus on justice (theTimes)
Meet the women fighting gender bias in law (the Guardian)
Don’t blame lawyers for their Brexit bonanza (the Guardian)
How Will Legal Education And Training Keep Pace With Change? (Forbes)
10 textes donnés lors de la session 2017 de l'examen du CRFPA
Law schools are letting down their students and society (Quartz news website)
Fact or fiction ? The truth behind a City law firm (Legalcheek.com)
Many Missouri Public Defenders Decline New Cases After State Supreme Court Disciplines Lawyer (KCUR)
Ready for robot lawyers? How students can prepare for the future of law (The Guardian)
Pro Bono at Big Law : Mini Firms Within Firms (Bloomberg Law)
How To Earn Extra Money While Working At A Smaller Law Firm (Abovethelaw.com)
How Lawyers Are Working to Change Their Industry's Diversity Problem (Fortune.com)
Are barrister’s high levels of stress placing their health at risk? (Barrristermagazine.com)
The Do’s and Don’ts of social media for lawyers (Legal Futures)
Alternative Business Structures: An Unfulfilled Fear? (The Market Mogul)